Welcome, and thank you for visiting.
My mission is to help individuals, families and businesses customize tax-efficient and cost-effective strategies to reach their unique financial objectives. This is accomplished through the use of investments, insurance and various other financial products and services.
Periodically, we review your goals and strategies to gauge our progress. When your financial or personal circumstances change, often your financial strategies need to be updated to reflect those changes.
Most of all, I want to help you make informed decisions about the issues that affect your financial well being, giving you your best chance to achieve your objectives.
I hope you find this site informative and useful. Feel free to contact me if you would like more information about my services.
I look forward to hearing from you, and please remember that I always have time to assist you and the people you care about with your investments, insurance or retirement planning needs. I am totally committed to serving the financial needs of anyone you recommend to me.
Key Retirement and Tax Numbers for 2024
This article presents the IRS’ cost-of-living adjustments for 2024 that affect contribution limits for retirement plans and various tax deduction, exclusion, exemption, and threshold amounts.
An Umbrella Policy Offers Extra Liability Coverage
An umbrella personal liability insurance policy can provide additional coverage in the event of a high-dollar liability claim or legal judgment.
HOT TOPIC: What Stubborn Inflation Could Mean for the U.S. Economy
This article looks at some of the reasons behind the inflation numbers, the likely effect on Fed decisions, and the potential economic impact.
Fixed Annuities: Retirement Income for Now or Later
Purchasing a fixed annuity shifts the risk for future investment returns to the insurance company and could help create a pension-like income stream for retirement.
Car Affordability
How much can you afford to pay for a car?
Life Insurance
How much life insurance would you need to produce a sufficient income stream for your family?
Savings Goals
How much do you need to save each year to meet your long-term financial goals?